Learning a new language is becoming more and more important in today’s globalized world, especially if you plan to pursue higher education abroad. A large number of international students are eager to hone their English language abilities prior to beginning their academic adventure because studying in the United Kingdom is becoming more and more popular day by day. 

Thus, the language learning platform Duolingo has received an abundance of recognition recently, and many Duolingo accepted universities in UK can now be found that recognize Duolingo tests instead of the IELTS and TOEFL.

In this blog post, we’ll look into the world of universities in the UK that accept Duolingo. We’ll go through the DET’s purpose, and how it differs from other tests of language ability and study strategies. We will also provide a complete list of UK universities that recognise the DET as proof of English proficiency, including the requirements and scores. 

If you’re an international student thinking about pursuing higher education in the United Kingdom or just want to become more fluent in English, this post will give you some great information about language testing and the increasing use of Duolingo in British universities. So, let’s get going!

What is the Duolingo English Test? 

The Duolingo English Test is an assessment of English language competency used to evaluate the skills of non-native English speakers. International students interested in studying abroad have many options of Duolingo accepted universities in the UK, United States, Canada, and other countries. 

The four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking are all evaluated in Duolingo’s computer-based assessment.

Benefits of a Duolingo Test

It’s been found that international students who want to study in English-speaking countries prefer the Duolingo English Test (DET) to more traditional language proficiency exams. Taking the Duolingo exam has many advantages, including the following:

Widely accepted: Higher education institutions all around the world, including the UK, are becoming more and more open to the Duolingo test. Students can use the test as evidence of their English skills when applying to universities that recognise it.

Convenience: The simplicity of the Duolingo exam is one of its strongest points. Students can find Duolingo accepted universities in UK and take the test at home instead of going to a test center. They only need a PC, webcam, and internet. This can be beneficial to students because they won’t have to spend money on transportation and can take the exam when it’s most convenient for them.

Affordability: The cost is yet another positive aspect of the Duolingo test. The test costs $49, which is a lot less than exams like IELTS and TOEFL that test language skills. 

Adaptive testing: The questions on the Duolingo exam are adaptive, meaning that their difficulty rises and falls in response to the student’s performance. As a result, students are not discouraged or de-motivated by questions that are either too easy or too hard.

Fast results: Scores on the Duolingo test can be viewed as soon as 48 hours after the exam is taken. This is extremely helpful for students who must submit their test scores for the purpose of their application, as they are not required to wait several weeks to get their scores.

Requirements of a Duolingo Test

Due to the format of the test, students are expected to have at least an average understanding of the English language. Your reading, listening, and writing abilities, as well as your speaking ability, will all be evaluated via a series of questions. Duolingo accepted universities in UK have some prerequisites for taking the Duolingo English Test (DET).

The most important ones are as follows:

Valid identification: Before taking the exam, students must show identification with a photo, such as a passport or a driver’s license, that has been issued by the government.

Computer and Internet access: Students taking the DET must do so from a computer equipped with a webcam, a microphone, and an active internet connection. Students take the exam online, with their webcam and microphone used for identity verification and test session recording.

Technical requirements: In order to take the exam, students need access to a computer with a modern web browser and operating system. The DET website has information about which browsers for the web and operating systems are permitted.

Test environment: Exams should be taken in a calm, brightly lit, and distraction-free environment. They are not allowed to bring anyone into the testing room with them, nor are they permitted to leave it at any time.

Payment: The cost of the exam for each student is $49. Credit or debit card payments are accepted.

In general, you won’t need much in the way of preparation to take the Duolingo English Test. All that is required for students to take the test is access to the internet, a government-issued photo ID, and a quiet place.

Duolingo Accepted Universities in the UK

Several universities and colleges in the United Kingdom accept the Duolingo English Test as proof of English language skills. Minimum acceptable scores on the Duolingo English Test for enrollment at the following institutions are listed below.

University Name        Minimum Score
Bangor University85
University of East Anglia115
University of Bristol110
Queen’s University Belfast95
University of Southampton120
Middlesex University75
University of Lincoln100
University of Portsmouth105
University of Glasgow105
University College London135
University of Surrey120

Scoring System of Duolingo English test

The range of scores for the Duolingo English Test (DET) is between 10 and 160. The reading, writing, speaking, and listening parts of the test are scored separately on a scale from 5 to 160. After calculating scores for each section, a final score is issued.

The DET’s scoring system was developed on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and it’s standard for competence in languages that are widely accepted. There are a total of six levels within the CEFR, beginning with A1 (beginner) and progressing all the way to C2 (proficient). 

The DET scores match up with the CEFR levels, which makes things simpler for universities and other institutions to figure out how proficient a student is in English.

This is how the DET scoring system works:

  • Reading and Writing: Each section is graded on a scale from 5 to 160. Your score is based on your right responses.
  • Speaking: On a scale from 5 to 160, the speaking section is scored. The student’s answers are recorded and graded by certified human graders who look at how well the student’s pronounciations, how fluently they speak, and how accurate they are.
  • Listening: The listening section also gets graded on a scale from 5 to 160. There are multiple-choice questions based on audio recordings, and points are awarded for accuracy.

Each section’s score is added to the other section’s score and rounded up to the nearest whole number to determine the overall score. A total score of 560 would be attained if a student, for instance, scored 130 in reading, 140 in writing, 140 in speaking, and 150 in listening. This result would be rounded up to 560/4 = 140.

IELTS vs Duolingo English Language Test

There are a number of options to assess a student’s competency in the English language, but two of the most well-known are IELTS and the Duolingo English Test (DET). Many Duolingo accepted universities in UK  commonly use DET for evaluating student’s proficiency in English. 

The IELTS has been around for a while and is widely accepted, but the DET is a newer, more convenient choice that can be taken online, making it a better fit for some people. Here is a comparison of the IELTS and Duolingo English tests.

Recognition: Universities, companies, and governments all over the world recognise the IELTS test, but the DET is a newer test that is still getting known. 

Test format: The IELTS is the most common exam, and it consists of four components (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) that can all be completed in one sitting. The DET is an online test that must be completed within a specified amount of time and also split up into components for reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Test availability: The IELTS can be taken at testing centres all over the world but the DET is only available online.

Test duration: The IELTS test takes about 2 hours and 45 minutes to finish, while the DET only takes about an hour.

Cost: The cost of the IELTS test depends on the country and testing centre, but it is usually more costly than the DET. The DET costs $49, while the IELTS may require anywhere from $200 to $300.

Scoring: The grading scales for both exams measure English skills from absolute beginner (A1) to expert (C2). The IELTS uses a scale that goes from 1 to 9, whereas the DET uses a scale that goes from 10 to 160.

Speaking evaluation: The IELTS speaking section is graded by certified human examiners, whilst the DET speaking part is graded by certified human graders.

Duolingo English Test Format

Those who want to apply at Duolingo accepted universities in UK, should know the below test format –

  • Listening and choosing which words said are real
  • Examining and choosing authentic written words
  • Responding to a spoken question with words
  • Using words or speech to describe an image
  • Listening to a statement and typing it out.
  • Adding in letters that are missing from a text
  • Recording yourself reading something you’ve written
  • Responding to a written question with another written response (Samples of writing can be up to 500 words long, but are usually much shorter)
  • A “video interview” where you talk for one to three minutes about a topic of your choice (they give you two).

Duolingo English Test Pattern

The Duolingo English Test can be completed in a single sitting. The Adaptive Test and Video Interview take a total of 60 minutes. First half: 45 minutes, second half: 10. The first 5 minutes are an introduction that helps candidates realise the rules and standards of the test and how it will be set up.

How to Show Passport in Duolingo Test

Before applying to Duolingo accepted universities in UK, you have to go through some procedures. The Duolingo language test may ask to see your passport as an additional form of identification. First, make sure you have a legal, government-issued passport that has not expired. 

Once you’ve logged in and begun the exam, just stick to the instructions. To ensure your identification, you’ll need to submit an ID photo along with your photo. Take a good picture of your passport when prompted to do so. Keep your passport facing the camera so that its front cover and your photo page are captured. 

Make sure the photo and accompanying text can be read easily. Wait for verification after sending the passport photo.

Registration for the Duolingo English Test

Signing up for an English exam on Duolingo is simple. Those who are interested in applying to Duolingo accepted universities in UK can give DET exam by visiting the test’s official registration page. 

Take the exam within 90 days after purchase and follow the steps below to sign up for the Duolingo English test.

  • On the Duolingo English test website, you can make an account by giving your name, email address, and password. To proceed, choose the “next” option.
  • You’ll be asked, “What are you interested in?” after this page. And you have to pick the right one based on what you want to do.
  • Click the Create Account button after making your selection.
  • Purchase the test after creation and complete the payment.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, several Duolingo accepted universities in UK acknowledge Duolingo’s English test as proof of English competency. This gives international students interested in studying in the UK another way to demonstrate their English language skills. International students have a variety of Duolingo-accepting universities to choose from. Opportunities for students are expected to grow as more UK universities begin to recognize Duolingo as a credible form of English language competence testing.


How many Duolingo tests can be taken in a month?

Candidates can take two official tests within a 30-day period.

Is the Duolingo test accepted in the UK?

The Duolingo exam is recognized by numerous universities across the United Kingdom.

What is the minimum Duolingo score for UK universities?

Universities in the UK generally want you to have between 105 and 120 points in Duolingo.

Which universities in London accept the Duolingo test?

There are several universities located in London that accept Duolingo scores. For instance, the University of Westminster, Middlesex University, the University of Roehampton, and so on.

Is Duolingo accepted for a UK visa?

If you want to get a student visa for the UK, you should know that you can’t use your Duolingo test results. Even though many UK universities are willing to let students in with these results, the UK government doesn’t recognize the test.

How much are Duolingo test fees in the UK?

DET is the least expensive of the English language tests. This English test costs $49, which is less than any other test of English skills.

How long is the Duolingo test valid?

The Duolingo English Test has a two-year validity period.