Starting UK university life is a major new chapter in your life. Gone are the days of every second being planned out for you by school timetables and, if you choose to move away, gone are the days of coming home to some of mum’s cooking and a clean bed.
Living independently may be one of the biggest learning points at university, and here are a few things to look forward to or bear in mind during your UK university life. University is an incredibly valuable experience, which graduates often reflect back on fondly. However, there is much more to your education than the university course and you will know about what to expect from a UK University.
Don’t have much time to read? Watch this short video instead–
Things You’ll Regret Missing During University Life in the UK
Cooking and food shopping
You will have money from student finance, and depending on your lifestyle, it may be that you must budget carefully if you wish to eat well.
Most universities provide student accommodation for the first year, and a few include catering, which will save you this effort! However, if you do get to cook for yourself, you have that freedom to cook what you want, when you want. Try to get some nutrients in there, and get creative – there are lots of student cookbooks out there to inspire you!
Making friends
Probably one of the most daunting prospects of moving away from home is that you will not have the friends you had back home. Making friends can be daunting, but remember that everyone is in the same position. There are normal events during freshers’ week to help you meet new people. Joining societies and clubs that you are interested in is a great way to find like-minded people.
Keeping it clean
Cleaning may be boring, but it is not something you want to go without. Try to spare time every week to give your room a wipe down, and if you have any shared living spaces such as kitchens and bathrooms, make a rota to ensure it’s fair and gets done.
Attend extra lectures and seminars with guest speakers
Some of the top universities in the world can be found in Great Britain. They’re at the forefront of the latest research and employ some of the world’s leading minds. Occasionally these experts will provide lectures completely free of charge to any willing students. While free time is important, these additional classes can often complement your chosen university courses and might give you an advantage in future job applications.
Join a student union
Writing a UCAS personal statement is a difficult process. However, it won’t be the last time you write something like this. Employers will often ask you to write personal statements about your strengths and qualities.
By joining a union that interests you, you can learn a useful skill, or enjoy a new hobby which will help you stand out. Furthermore, it’s also an opportunity to gain leadership experience by asking for responsibilities within the union.
Consider living in student halls
UK universities are renowned for their student life and student accommodation. Although the cost can be a disadvantage, living in rented accommodation will allow you to develop independence and life skills – even if it’s just for a year.
By learning to cook, managing money and even completing basic DIY in your new home, this will mature you as a person and prepare you for later life.
Finding work experience
The best universities in the UK offer fantastic opportunities to gain meaningful work placements in your chosen industry. Whether it’s a DBA in the UK or an MBA with placement, work experience is not in short supply for students who are willing to seek it out. This experience is not only a brilliant way of networking with relevant professionals, but it can even result in gainful employment after graduating from university.
Stunning natural beauty
Shakespeare, Tolkien, and Dylan Thomas were all influenced by the stunning beauty, including the Welsh valleys, Yorkshire, the Scottish Highlands, and the majesty of the Causeway Coast in Northern Ireland.
The White Cliffs of Dover, the Brecon Beacons, or the legendary, ancient remains of Stonehenge—a UNESCO World Heritage Site—are just a few of the breathtaking locations you may explore in the UK.
Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll be able to get it in UK university life, which is well renowned for being the birthplace of cultural icons like Hamlet and Harry Potter. You will have an extraordinary experience here as a student and create memories that will last a lifetime, from the glitzy nightlife of Glasgow and Cardiff to the bright stage lights of the West End in London.
Arrange a health check
Before you leave home, make an appointment with your doctor to get a health checkup to make sure you are as healthy as possible for university. In the years following COVID, this is particularly crucial.
If you take care of any illnesses before you relocate, you’ll be less likely to get freshmen flu, which most first-year students get as a result of inadequate sleep and exercise, a radical change in nutrition, and rapid socialization with a large number of new people.
Get involved in fresher’s week
Find out how to make the most of freshmen’s week since there are a ton of events planned during the first-year student welcome week to assist you in adjusting to university life. Your course department may arrange an icebreaker session during this time to introduce you to your classmates and lecturers. Your students’ union may host fairs offering you options to join societies and sports teams.
You can fully dedicate yourself to these pursuits while free from any classroom obligations to ensure that you are ready to begin your degree program. Organization is crucial; make sure you are aware of your obligations in advance as this will aid in long-term time management.
Get to know the area
Visit the city or town where your university is located if you can to get a feel for the area. It’s a good idea to take a look around while you’re there for an open day, especially if your selected university is distant from home, to save money and time on making multiple journeys. Even a virtual tour might offer you a general idea of what to anticipate.
After you’ve moved, take advantage of your free time before classes begin to find the campus library, students’ union, and lecture buildings, in addition to the closest train station, nearby stores, and doctor’s office.
How to Prepare for Your First Visit to a UK University
Being accepted into a UK university is exciting. All international students look forward to the opportunity to travel and receive a top-notch education. However, when the initial thrill wears off and you’ve arranged your accommodations and other details, you can start to feel anxious. You might not be certain of what to anticipate in school. It will be exciting and stressful all at once when you first start at university. Along with acclimating to a new environment, you may encounter other difficulties.
Getting to the UK
You are beginning a brand-new and exciting chapter in your life as you get off the plane. There are several benefits to attending a UK university. So, what can you anticipate when you arrive? You’re going to feel lost and overwhelmed whether or not your trip was particularly lengthy. However, you can anticipate being greeted at the airport, depending on your plans and the UK university life you’ve chosen.
Documentation and enrollment procedures
Taking care of the paperwork is one of the most difficult and demanding aspects of your first week at a UK institution. You must complete the enrollment process and register as a student if you are a new student. Much of what you can anticipate during your first week of classes at university has to do with administration. Plan out your schedule, complete all the required paperwork, sign up for the classes you choose, and obtain your student ID before registering.

Initial period of classes
Many students are unsure of what to anticipate from their classes and lectures while attending university. The short answer is that university lectures and assignments will be quite different from those in high school. Even if the first week of school is joyful and centered on enjoyable activities, studying must eventually be done. You might have more difficult classes or take courses you don’t enjoy. You can swap these out for classes that are better suited to your interests or career path during add/drop week.
Moving away to go to university may be daunting, but it is a great way to become more independent. Whatever appeals to you, contact AHZ Associates for advice on what university would suit you best and to find out more about UK university life. What do you expect to get from university?
How do you deal with leaving home for university?
Some ways to cope with moving away from home-
1. Don’t feel guilty if you miss home
2. Get talking
3. Try new things
4. Go exploring
5. Pack some home comforts
6. Get some staple meals under your belt
Is it better to go to university away from home?
You get your first real taste of independence and freedom during this stage of your life, and you also get the chance to expand your horizons and meet tons of awesome new people.
Is it cheaper to live at home for university?
The largest benefit is greater money, of course. Even if your parents decide you need to support yourself financially by paying some rent or making greater contributions to the family budget, you will save a lot by staying at home.
Why you should stay home for university?
In many ways, remaining at home can also mean maintaining a close-knit support system. Many students perceive university to be a lonely and sad experience, and the prevalence of mental health issues among students is on the rise.
Should I live close to university?
While your home may be a commute or a long walk from your university campus, halls of residence and student housing are typically closer to the institution.
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