Applying for a visa can be an arduous task, especially since there are various documents involved in the process. For example, if a student is applying for a visa to study abroad, they must ensure that they are well aware of all the prerequisites before they proceed. The same applies to UK visas. In the following paragraphs, we will look into the UK student visa requirements in a bid to simplify the process. If you want to study in the United Kingdom, chances are you will be exposed to considerable red tape and have to apply for a UK student visa by 2024.

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Visa Types

There are several types of student visa that may be acquired, based on the criteria. For instance, if a student is looking to study a short course and is aged 18 or above, they can apply for a short-term study visa. Generally, though, a UK study visa is longer in duration since students typically pursue an undergraduate degree, which is 3 or 4 years long. Universities are equipped with a Tier 4 sponsor license and students can apply for a Tier 4 student visa.

  • Short time student visa: A student visiting visa, often known as a short-term UK Student VISA Requirements for students whose study program lasts less than six months.
    • Students with this visa are permitted to travel to the UK up to one week before the start of their course of study. You may apply online for this visitor visa up to three months before your intended date of entry into the UK.
Types of visasWho is eligible forWhen to applyWhen will arrive
Short term visaThis visa is designed for people who want to sign up for a brief course, such as a training course or an English language course.  It is preferable to apply at least three months before the course begins.Depending on the course’s requirements.
Student route visaThis visa is for people who want to enroll in undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral programs as well as foundation courses. At least 16 years of age is required.   At least three months before the course begins.If your course lasts six months, you can arrive there just one week before it begins. However, if the course lasts more than six months, it’s preferable to arrive there one month in advance.  
  • Student route visa: If your program lasts more than six months, you will require this visa. You can only get this visa if the college or university you intend to attend has a license as a student route sponsor.
    • To be eligible for the student route visa under the UK student visa point system, you must receive a score of 40 out of 40. The first 30 points in the UK Visa point system come from your CAS document, if you’re wondering how that system works. These points are supported by the details on your CAS and the other reference documents. The remaining 10 points are drawn from the financial statement, which demonstrates that you will be able to completely support yourself while enrolled in your course of study.

Requirements for UK Student Visa

Naturally, there are several stipulations that must be met in order to obtain a UK student visa requirement. The application process begins in earnest once students have admission, which means they can ask their course providers for assistance as well. A visa can be applied for up to three months before the start date of your course. Since the visa processing time can vary from one country to another, students should be vigilant and check beforehand so that there are no unfortunate incidents. Students must provide various documents, like their passports, for starters. Recently captured passport-sized photographs are also required. In addition, an unconditional offer letter must be submitted as well.

This document is usually called the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). Furthermore, evidence of adequate English language skills is also mandatory. For instance, those students who have taken the IELTS examination in a bid to apply for a UK student visa should submit their certificate. This usually applies to students who reside in non-English-speaking countries. Additionally, financial statements must also be submitted. This is imperative since the university requires empirical evidence that students who are applying for visas have the financial support needed during their stay in the country.

Proof of financial solidity can be in the form of bank statements or a letter from your financial sponsor or benefactor as well. Coverage should include tuition fees, accommodation, and living costs. Generally, a fixed amount must be shown for the visa application to be approved. Although it is not always the case, certain students may also need to submit an ATAS certificate. This is only applicable if they are a non-EU/EEA/Swiss student. Applicants must also submit their previous educational documents. They may also be asked to attend an interview or a biometrics test.

Moreover, yet another aspect of the application process for UK study visa is that depending on the student’s country of origin, they may have to take certain medical vaccinations or undergo a tuberculosis test. Students who are under 18 years of age and are contemplating applying for a Tier 4 must have written consent from their parents or guardians in their dossier. This is because until they turn 18, they are recognized as minors.

After getting CAS letter

Step 1: Filling out the online application and paying the cost constitutes

Step 2: Having your photo and fingerprints taken at a UK immigration application centre

Step 3: Collect proof to back up your claims and print your application.

What kind of information is contained in your CAS letter?

CAS is an extremely significant electronic file that includes sensitive data. It contains information about you personally, your study plan, and the cost of the fees. You must list all of your current academic credentials, such as your high school transcript or bachelor’s degree, in one part of the CAS application. The original documents are required for this step. In addition, you could be required to take an English language exam as part of your application, such as the IELTS test. Your form will specify whether or not the English language test is required. This CAS form must be sent with your complete application.

Credibility interview for visa

To ensure that only “genuine students” are granted a student route visa to study in the UK, UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) mandates Credibility Interviews. As part of your visa application, you may be requested to attend a credibility interview. It would be helpful to know that the UKVI will typically take the following factors into account in this situation:

  • Your intention of visiting the UK
  • Your education background, intended courses, and post-study plans
  • Your background with immigration to the UK and other nations
  • Your financial and personal situation.

Our counsellors can assist you in learning what to anticipate and how to get ready for your credibility interview.

Visa cost

In the UK, a student visa costs £348. The cost of a short-term student visa is £97 for six months or £186 for eleven.

Payment system

  • Using a MasterCard or Visa credit or debit card online.
  • Via demand draft at specific Standard Chartered Bank branches and the visa application facility.
  • You can pay with cash at specific Standard Chartered Bank locations and at the visa application center.

How long will it take to obtain a study visa for the UK?

You can anticipate hearing back on your application in 21 days due to the three-week maximum processing time for UK visas. Including all the required paperwork with your application can help you avoid delays. We advise submitting your application as soon as you can because the UK student visa application procedure takes some time. However, apply no more than three months prior to the start of your course. You’ll be able to start packing and getting ready for your studies as soon as your application for a UK student visa is approved. Your academic career is about to start an exciting new chapter!


The following information when requesting a student visa:

  • a current passport or other acceptable forms of travel authorization
  • a letter from your course provider called a “Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies” (CAS).

You need to provide:

  • Depending on your situation, you will need to provide evidence that you have the funds to support yourself and pay for your education.
  • A current ATAS certificate, if your course and country of citizenship demand one.
  • if you are under 18, evidence of parental or other legal guardian consent.
  • proof of your relationship to your parent or guardian if you’re under 18
  • Results of your tuberculosis test.
  • If you’ve recently received financial support for your tuition and living expenses, you must provide formal authorization for your application.

If you must provide your biometric data (fingerprints and a photo) at a visa application centre, you will need a blank page in your passport for your visa. If this is necessary, you’ll be informed when you apply.

Premium visa services

Students can choose the Priority Visa Service or the Super Priority Visa Service to speed up the visa processing period for an additional charge, although a standard UK student visa could take at least 6 weeks to process. Within five working days of receiving your biometric data, UK Student VISA Requirements and Immigration hopes to decide on your Priority Visa application and get in touch with you to let you know that your passport is prepared for pickup. The identical process is finished in 24 hours under the Super Priority Visa Application. Candidates should be aware that this service costs extra on top of the fee for applying for a visa and is not refundable if their application is denied.

When under the age of 18

If you are under 18, both of your parents or legal guardians must give their written consent (or one parent if they have sole responsibility). Their approval is required for your visa application, as well as you’re living and care arrangements in the UK and travelling to the UK. Additionally, you will be required to present a copy of your birth certificate (or another official document issued by the government) showing the names of your parents.

Uk student visa requirements for international students
Uk student visa requirements: complete guide 4

You may count on us to help you realize your ambition of studying in the United Kingdom if you are motivated to do so. Obtaining your UK student visa is a necessary step in realizing your desire to study in the UK. If you are unfamiliar with the UK visa criteria and key deadlines, applying for a visa there can seem overwhelming. We can guide you through the process of obtaining a student visa for the UK. Our AHZ counsellors will help you with the application procedure and give you the most recent details regarding the UK student visa requirements.


What are the documents required for a student visa in the UK?

A current passport, CAS letter, financial statement, A current ATAS certificate, Results of your tuberculosis test, English language proficiency test report and so on.

How much bank balance is required for a UK student visa?

It primarily depends on your major, school, and location. You should be entirely eligible financially to study in the UK, according to your financial statements.

Is there an interview for a UK student visa?

To ensure that only “genuine students” are granted a student route visa to study in the UK, UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) mandates Credibility Interviews. As part of your visa application, you can be requested to attend a credibility interview.

Does the UK student visa get rejected?

There are a variety of grounds for denying a student visa. It may be refused if your papers include any errors or if your transcripts reveal that you are ineligible for a UK student visa.

Does the embassy check bank statements?

Your bank statement should demonstrate your financial eligibility, and when you apply for a visa, the embassy will carefully verify that you have submitted all original documentation.

What is the UK visa fee?

In the UK, a student visa costs £348. The cost of a short-term student visa is £97 for six months or £186 for eleven.

How much time does a UK student visa take?

You can anticipate hearing back on your application in 21 days due to the three-week maximum processing time for UK visas. Including all required paperwork with your application can help you avoid delays.

Do we need to submit original documents for a UK visa?

The UK universities always carefully review the students’ documentation to see whether they are legitimate students and whether they qualify for a UK student visa.