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Dreaming of studying in a top UK university? Attend UK University Application Week from 16th September to 21st September (10 AM to 6 PM) at AHZ Faisalabad Office. Network with experts, explore various programs and get on-the-spot assessment from our counsellors.

Why AHZ?
🔷 100% free application process
🔷 Free eligibility assessment
🔷 Discuss the campus, university facilities and locations etc.
🔷 Learn about scholarship options
🔷 Academic and career guidance from experts
🔷 Offer letter within 72 hours

Secure your future by leveraging the expertise and connections available through this prestigious event.

Visit us at:
🏢 AHZ Faisalabad Office
📍 Building No: 49 A, Peoples Colony: No 1, Chenone Road, Faisalabad
📞 +92 3477751999
📧 fsd@ahzassociates.co.uk

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