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Delve into successful patterns with esteemed institutes that bring forth a journey of opportunities. Meet Mr Zaeem Masood, Regional Support Officer, Teesside University to build a fortune of success. Meet the official delegate at the AHZ DHA Office, Lahore, on the 3rd of October between 4 PM and 5:30 PM. At this UK University Open Day, he unleashes all the secrets to making a mark with the great university.

Why Teesside University?
🔷 Unmatched rank 1 for overall satisfaction in global universities
🔷 Achieved 80th rank in the Guardian University Guide 2024
🔷 Brilliant world-leading research
🔷 102nd in the Times University Guide 2024

Deal on a different level as you venture into achieving global exposure at an institute that knows how to transform lives.

Visit us at:
🏢 AHZ DHA Office Lahore
📍 63 Main Blvd, DHA Phase 4 Sector CCA Lahore.
📞 +92 3470029777
📧 lahore9@ahzassociates.co.uk

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